What does “being a writer” mean? When people shout, “leave me alone I’m writing!” what exactly does that mean? What are they writing? A report? Novel?
Feature article for a music magazine? Web content? Interview with an up and coming actor? Software manual? Restaurant review? The answer could be any of the above since “writers” make their money performing a variety of topics. It is not uncommon for a writer to work on a wide variety of projects within a month in which the only things they have in common are that they contain words.
Writing that can make you money as a freelancer includes:
* Work on a project-to-project basis with an advertising agency copywriting or developing press releases.
* Writing book, DVD and CD reviews for publications
* Developing content for Web sites
* Writing a political speech
* Developing content for online educational companies
* Writing ebooks and white papers
* Selling articles to print publications
* Writing travel articles and guides
* Writing restaurants and arts reviews
* Gaining government (local, state or federal) contracts