You’re probably familiar with the titles telecommuter and freelancer, but probably unfamiliar with the difference between the two. A telecommuter, in the true sense of the word, is an employee who is allowed to work off-site while enjoying the same benefits as other employees at the company such as paid vacation, 401K and health insurance. A freelancer, on the other hand, is a self-employed individual responsible for securing paying projects, reporting sales, investing for retirement and buying health insurance. Other names for freelancers include independent contractor, contractor, 1099 worker and consultant.
Unlike the illusion, and freelance writer does more than sell articles to publications. In reality, most freelance writers sell their writing services to companies and small businesses such as advertising agencies or web development companies, while they also sell articles to publications. Don’t be intimidated by selling your writing services, the Internet has made finding, and winning such projects easy for skilled writers.
Why Write?
It is important to look at the reasons why you want to take the plunge and become a freelance writer. Some writers are motivated by seeing their names in print, others simply can’t image any other way to make a living.
People freelance instead of work traditional jobs for a variety of reasons, including:
* Fulfilling to be your own boss.
* Ego boost to secure and complete a job — especially when client raves about it.
* Set your own hours. Never be late to work again!Â
* No boring work! You choose projects to go after.
* No uniformity! Wear anything you want to work.Â
* No daily commuting expense.Â
* Sick days? Vacation? Personal Days? No problem!