RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) is the main cause of most respiratory illnesses in children. RSV is highly contagious and can cause infection of the lungs and breathing passages. It can be passed through infected oral and nasal fluids. Hand washing is imperative in the effort to avoid the spread of infection.
In children younger than the age of three, pneumonia can occur and even respiratory failure can be possible. Symptoms include high fever, wheezing, cough and rapid and/or difficulty in breathing. If any of these symptoms appear, the child should be seen by a physician or taken to a hospital immediately.
In children three years of age or older, symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus mimic those of the common cold. RSV can last on the average of two to three weeks. Parents should always consult a physician if their child exhibits any of these symptoms rather than assuming it is just a cold and trying to treat it with over the counter cold medications. It is always best to be safe and let the physician make a proper diagnosis. Very young children could require hospitalization if RSV is not treated properly.
Children that are of school age should be taught to cover their noses and mouths when sneezing or coughing and also to wash their hands after doing so. School can be a breeding ground for germs among young children. They can easily come in contact with germs and carry them home to younger siblings and other family members. It is a good habit to start teaching children proper health and hygiene as soon as they are old enough to understand. As a parent, you can help your child to learn good hygiene habits by setting a good example for them. The best health habits begin with prevention.
Keep in mind that a child can become infected with RSV more than once. So don’t assume that since a child has had the virus before that he or she is immune to further infection. That is not the case. Although children who have had RSV do build some immunity to the virus each time they are infected, re-infection can still occur. It is believed that total immunity does not occur.
The possibility of re-infection can be lessened with proper measures and good health habits. If one child in the home becomes sick, try and keep the other children from making contact with the ill child in order to prevent the risk of spreading the infection throughout the household. Keep your children healthy by keeping yourself informed.
Even in the most sanitary conditions children can still get sick. We cannot isolate them nor can we protect them from every danger there is, including illness. Children must go to school, day care, etc. They will come in contact with germs. There is no prevention that is fool proof but if we stay informed and aware, we are already one step ahead of the rest. Making sure children have regular checkups is one way to stay on top of illness. One rule of thumb: When in doubt, consult the physician. It may be a simple cold but safe is always the best way to be.