Since there are whole sites dedicated to the subject of podcasting and how to create a professional podcast, we’re not going to delve too deeply into the more more technical points of the process.
But here is an abbreviated step-by-step guide to making your first podcast:
1. Create your audio content. As noted before, your podcast can take many forms. Choose one that supports your line of business. If you sell high tech gadgets, do a show that reviews new products and provides news about your industry. If you sell baby clothes, create a show that addresses child rearing issues where you can also discuss baby clothes on a budget as one of the regular topics. There’s no right or wrong way to create a podcast.
2. Record your show using products such as GarageBand and Audacity. All you need is a good microphone. Radio Shack has a good selection of mikes that will plug right into your computer. Before recording your show, run a few tests with your PC’s recording functions. Find out what the ideal settings are for volume and microphone placement. If you’re going to do phone interviews, purchase a device from Radio Shack that allows you to do this.
3. Prepare your first show. Create a simple script that covers your talking points. Don’t worry too much if you bobble something in your program and need to do it again. You can edit it out later using the software.
4. Save your file in the MP3 format. You can record and edit it using any format, but podcasts need to be saved as an MP3 when it’s ready to be shared with others. Be sure that you save your audio using the maximum quality setting you have available. The finished file should have an .mp3 file exention.
5. Now you’re ready to add your podcast to your website. Upload it to your site using FTP software, just like any other file. It’s a good idea to put all your audio files in a single folder called “audio” so you can easily locate it.
6. Once the file is on your website, test by typing its web address into your browser. Depending upon which player you use, the file should either download or play automatically on your PC through MediaPlayer, QuickTime or RealPlayer.
7. Congratulations! You’re almost done. Once you know the file works correctly on your website it’s time to create an RSS feed so people can subscribe to your podcast. There are lots of sites available that explain how to do this yourself. But many podcasters, including iTunes, walk you through this process and automatically generate the newsfeed you need to allow others to subscribe to your podcast.
8. That’s it! Publicize your podcast on your website, in your ezine and emails and through your other marketing strategies.